Saturday 8 May 2010

Blog Move to


I have create another Blog "Share ChiWai/Share 智慧/智慧分享"  and moved most of the post to my new blog. To make it looks better [ I hope]

Please feel free to visit:
Here it is the stuff I will blog about on my new blog.
"日常生活/電腦技術經驗分享,...Tips and Tricks for Android, Java, .Net, Silverlight, Javascript, Crystal Report, PHP, MSSQL,MySQL, "

和以下網址和大家分享我的 Life Style Funny 這個網誌是用來和大家分享我在香港/英國或其他地方的生活點滴


Friday 29 May 2009

Windows Server 2008 and Windows VIsta Service Pack 2 Download

Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista Service Pack 2 is now avaliable.
For more information please visit the URL below:

Saturday 4 April 2009

InLink Checker in SilverLight

I have updated the Back-Link checker Beta 1 to have another feature which allow us to check which links your site/page is linking to and is searchable by crawler.

It is an useful tool to check if you have linked to any pages which you do not intend to link to/ or recommend to the other which could affect your site's reputation. E.g. some spam sites, may leave comment/message on your site, which has pasted a link to their spam URL...etc.

To check the Page InLinks:
  1. Simply select "PageLink" on the drop down list which just next to the "Search" button.
  2. Whole site check box: Specifies whether to provide results for the entire site, or just the page referenced by the query.
You can ignore the Omit Link option for this feature.

Hope you find it useful!

Related post:
BackLink Checker in Silverlight

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Gourmet Houses' Chocolate 飛機上的朱古力小食


他應該是 香港一家朱古力公司 Gourmet House LTD 出品的

Gourmet House LTD's Chocolate
在盒上寫了 朱古力是瑞士出產的 當然是香港生產/製造
如果對這間香港朱古力公司有興趣, 可以按這條URL瀏覽 網頁

White and Milk Chocolate
我試了黑色這一粒 (我不太喜歡吃白朱古力 = P)
Gourmet House's Milk Chocolate
3 Layers Chocolate
和kinder 繽紛樂 入面的醬差不多
算是幾甜了 (對我來說)

Monday 30 March 2009

BackLink Checker in Silverlight

My second Silverlight application: BackLink Checker Beta 1.

You can use this application to check if other people has link o your website. It would be quite interesting to know if people are interest on you website, they properly will place a link on their site and recommend it to others. Of course, on the other hand if people think your website is crap, they could also place a link no their site and say..[Not to visit your website …etc.].

Here it is some criteria on this BackLink checker.
  1. You should enter full URL of your website (with HTTP/HTTPS)
  2. If you put a URL which contain specific page. Then the BackLink checker will only search for the back link for that particular page.
  3. It has 2 setting for you to specific the result.
  • Whole site check box: Specifies whether to provide results for the entire site, or just the page referenced by the query
  • Omit link drop down: If specified, link will not be returned if they are from pages in the same Domain/Sub-domain as the requested page.
This BackLink Checker only return the links which is indexed by Yahoo, therefore it may not reflect the actually popularity of your website. Hope this can be improve on Beta 2. = )

Hope you find it useful.

Sunday 29 March 2009

7 Steps to create your own hand-writting Font

Have you ever heard some people said, your hand-written font reflect your personality? I knew some people who study psychology; they could read your feeling by read the text you have written. They are quite accurate.

Today I want to introduce you a site which can help you to generate your own hand writing Fonts.
It is fair simple. There are few things you need to prepare.
1) Printer
2) Scanner
3) Black permanent marker of fine or medium thickness Pen

Here it is the 7 Steps that you can go through in order to create your own hand-writing font.
1) Print Template
2) Complete Template
3) Scan & Save Template
4) Upload Template
5) Preview Your Font
6) Download
7) Install & Use

You can simply follow the instruction on the website. Then you should be able to create your own font within 15mins.
I would upload my own Hand-writing font unfortunately I do not have a scanner.

Here it is the website:

Feel free to let me know how do you feel about having your own hand-writing font on computer.

Have fun.



亦都有人講過 見到你寫的字都估到你是過怎樣既人

只需要簡單的7 個步驟 便在電腦上擁有屬於自己手寫字形

還有一支筆 (最好是黑色的幼或中厚MARKER [標記筆?])

1) 首先到這個網頁 打印模板 (Print Template), 這裡有2 個格式給你們Print出來, 一個字PDF 另一個是個IMAGE 檔
(我會建議print PDF 檔)
2) 填寫剛剛print 出來的template. (請記住跟著他的格式) 網頁上的example 可以參考
只需要填寫第一頁, 如果你想用其他的特別字你可以填寫埋第二頁岩
3) 需要scan 同保存剛寫好的文字template, 請注意他們只支援幾下的檔案格式的 (.gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, or .tiff file)
4) 上傳檔案和幫自己的字形命名
5) 預覽字形
6) 下載字形
7) 安裝字形
  • 使用windows 的電腦可以按"開始"-->"控制台"
  • double click "字形"
  • 選擇"安裝新字形..." --> 瀏覽到該檔案位置
  • 選擇 "Your font (TrueType)"
  • 最後按"確定" 便可
之後可以開啓文字程式選擇自己的字形看看 (E.G. Notepad)

以上就是所有的步驟了, 如果還是不太明白的話可以到官方網頁看

由於我沒有scanner 所幾沒有得嘗試造自己的字形...
(當我找到scanner時我一定會upload 我的字形上網的)



Have fun.